Casino Clue – Pick the Slot That’s Right for You

gamblingIt’s not exactly a secret that slots are by far the most popular online casino games ever. While in physical casinos they’re more of a status symbol, mostly present because people expect them to be there (European casinos typically get their money from high-rollers roulette and blackjack), they’ve absolutely thrived in the online space. All you have to do to see this is visit any online casino at all and just see the astonishing number of online slots that grace the home page. 50, 100, 200, 300… The selection grows from casino to casino, and honestly, it can be VERY overwhelming. Sure, it gives us choice, but that choice isn’t always a good thing.

Numerous studies have been conducted on how a huge selection is rarely a good thing, my favorite of which being one from the 2000s when a researcher gave the people visiting a supermarket a choice between tasting several jams, with the opportunity for them to buy the one they like, if any. Surprisingly, more people ended up buying a jam if the selection was limited than when it was broad, which proves that people are generally overwhelmed by lots of choices. While such a research has never been done in the world of online casino, I am absolutely certain that casinos with only a few online slots sees more profits from them than casinos with hundreds of options.

To combat the overwhelming selection, some players turn to websites which rate the best online slots, treating them like gospel and only playing the slots they see recommended. But here comes our next casino clue – don’t rely on them entirely. Now, don’t get me wrong, guides and ratings are fantastic, I love them and they’re very helpful. But some people treat them like they’re gospel, and they just aren’t that. They’re meant to help you make a rational choice, not to make it for you. You’re not supposed to just find the highest rated online slot and play that, you’re supposed to make a selection, try out several and then play the one that you like best.

Many forget that the overwhelming majority of slots come with a free practice mode which is identical to the real thing, except it uses fake money. This allows you to play as much as you want without spending a single cent, giving you a nice, free way to try out various online slots and see what they’re all about and whether you’re happy with them. Lots of things should go into your decision about whether a slot is worthy or not, and its payouts should only be one of them. Ultimately, my advice would be for you to browse around, see what slots catch your eye, make a list and then try each one for free in practice mode, or using your deposit bonus. That way, when you finally stumble onto that one slot which you’ll end up loving, it’s going to feel that much sweeter.