About Us

poker-726379_640Hello, my name is Megan and this is my new blog, Ninety Nine Casino Clues! The main reason I created this blog was so that I could share my passion for casinos. Also, I want to introduce you to the friendly and fun side of gambling. The way gambling sites are often advertised, as a dark-room-cold-stare environment, I think means that a lot of potential players avoid them. I want to show that they don’t have to be like that. For me, it’s all about having fun with friends, learning and reading about the casino world, and also, of course, winning!

What’s my inspiration for this blog? Good question. A few years ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to travel to the US and spend a few weeks exploring the country with my friends. We went to the bustling cities of New York, Boston, Washington, Miami, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. It was the best time of my life. Despite travelling across all of America, the one place that stuck with me the most was a small club in northern California, called Casino Ninety Nine. A friend had recommended it to us, and so we went. The club was brilliant, and the atmosphere was so friendly. I was really bad at poker, but I still loved playing and felt really comfortable there. It really sparked my passion and interest for casinos!

That club was my inspiration for this blog, which I hope too will be a place where anyone is welcome. In the three years since my holiday I have been to more casinos, and have been playing on various online sites as well. I want to write about my experiences, keep you updated with casino news, and give you any clues that I have.